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“Moses my servant is dead. Get going. Cross this Jordan River, you and all the people. Cross to the country I’m giving to the People of Israel. I’m giving you every square inch of the land you set your foot on—just as I promised Moses. Joshua 1:1

No matter what may be happening in our immediate environments, God is preparing to do something incredible in your life. The way we as believers deal with death and transitions is one of our greatest problems. As we constantly tend to look at death from an emotional position, it is natural for us to fear death, and as a result, we do everything in our power to escape it and the effects of it.

Many people are unwilling to change and, as a result, never fully embrace who they are. Accept the shift for what it is, and from there you can figure out how to make the most of your new situation.

Yet, we have learned from studying God's word that there are times when God will use death to usher in a new wave or a new movement.

Deuteronomy 31:8 “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Always keep in mind that for every door you successfully close, there is another door that will soon become available for you to open. God's activities take place in the here and now, and he is always ready to lend a hand. Hence, you can ask yourself, Apostle Newton, what it is that you are trying to express. I am delighted that you inquired because whenever God enables us to leave one place, he always has another one prepared for us to enter and go through.

Allowing something to die in our life is the first step toward new opportunities and experiences, and that's the argument I'd like to make to you that when we let it die, God will usher us into our next. I want to tell you that God uses transitional periods to bring about necessary change in our lives. In this season, God wants to make a difference in our lives. He is making us into the people we were always meant to be from the beginning of time.

Romans 12:2 (MSG) Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out.

Scripture reveals that after Moses's death, God begins communicating with Joshua personally. If you're like some of the people who read this blog, you've probably wondered why God seems silent in your life. You have been asking for God's guidance and direction, but he has not responded. Something in your life may be hindering your ability to hear from the Lord, and I encourage you to explore the possibility that it has to die.

“The future is always all around us, waiting, in moments of transitions, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.” – J. Michael Strazynski

One of the most remarkable aspects about this text is that the word God sent to Joshua wasn't just a word for him, but rather a message issued that touched all of Israel. Because our next assignment will affect the entire world, it is crucial that you and I hear the Lord's voice. God is getting ready to skyrocket your ministry to new heights. Consequently, I stand against the fearful spirit that seeks to make you anxious at this time of change.

2 Timothy 1:7 (kjv) For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

When Moses died, it marked the end of an era and a way of life. God is releasing a fresh approach and philosophy to ministering to those who are open to it. Yet we must be prepared to let the age of Moses pass into history. To you, I proclaim the same level of achievement that Moses enjoyed will be your portion.

Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

Get ready for unprecedented success in this season its going to happen. Prepare yourself you are in line for victory. All your life, no one will be able to hold out against you. I am telling you that no enemy will be able to stop you, this is the season that people are just going to be compelled to bless you. I am talking about out of the blue miracles and blessings.

In this season, Get ready for unprecedented success. Be ready, because you're about to win. Nothing or no one will ever be able to stand in your way. Trust me when I say that no adversary can stand in your way now; this is the time when everyone will.

Declarations are bold and clear. Neither are they confessions or suggestions. God is on our side, so we make declarations and proclamations. The power for the miraculous to occur in your life is yours to declare and unleash.

Pronounce it, order it, and proclaim it with the authority of a king, for the Lord God will support you.

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